Android: android go and android one

Android: android go and android one

Android is a flexible operating system. Every Android smartphone, usually has a different version of Android depending on who made it. Android Go and Android One are new variants that are ready to confuse you even more with the many Android options. Then, what is the difference between Android Go and Android One?

In this article, let's discuss together, what is the difference between Android Go and Android One and why you will buy it one day. These 2 variants are intended for different users and hardware. Come on, here's the explanation.

What is Android Go?

Android Go is a highly optimized version of Android designed to run on smartphones with low prices and low specifications. Therefore, Android Go is very suitable for developing countries, such as Indonesia. Moreover, in Indonesia there are still many who do not have a smartphone.

Android Go is a highly optimized version of Android designed to run on smartphones with low prices and low specifications.

Then, which version of Android was first labeled “Go”? The answer is Android Oreo 8.1. Its full name is now Android Oreo (Go Edition). So that later on the market, there will be smartphones with regular Android Oreo and there is also Android Oreo Go version. There are 3 conditions that Android Go tries to fix for the convenience of users, which are as follows:

  1. Slow, unreliable, or expensive internet prices.
  2. Users can rarely charge the battery.
  3. Cheap smartphones that have low specifications.

Then, what makes Android Go very suitable for low-priced smartphones with low specifications? Here's the secret.

Android Go: Focus on operating system optimization

Android Go is indeed very suitable for low smartphone specifications. Smartphones with 512 MB to 1 GB of RAM can be used for Android Go. Even Android Go only takes up half the size of its internal memory when compared to other Android variants. With a lighter operating system size, it certainly has an impact on lighter RAM usage.

In addition to significant operating system optimizations, Google also optimizes installed applications. Of course, what are optimized are applications from Google such as Maps, Youtube, Gmail, Assistant, and many more. Usually the smartphones we buy also have such applications, but they are larger in size, so they are heavier.

Third-party developers are also supported by Google to make their applications to the Go version like Google applications. The application can later be downloaded on the Go version of the Play Store as well. Some of the third-party applications that have made a Go version are Whatsapp, Facebook, and Instagram. Of course, more and more third-party applications are joining in as well.

All these changes make Android Go have a good performance on smartphones with low specifications. It also has an impact on increasing battery life as well, because Android Go also limits background processes on apps. There is even a Data Saving feature to save your internet quota and it has been turned on since you bought an Android Go smartphone.

Indeed, Android Go is perfect for those of us who are just getting to know the web for the first time or are just buying a smartphone for the first time. Android Go will certainly be in demand by many people.

Android Go in Indonesia

Until this article was revealed, there are no Android Go phones that you can find in Indonesia. But it is certain that this year, you can get Android Go phones at the nearest stores. We are waiting for his presence in Indonesia.

What is Android One?

Android One is a variant of Android that is not modified by a third-party vendor, so this variant is a 'pure' Android variant. People usually call this variant as "stock Android". Because it is not modified by a third-party vendor, there are no changes to the appearance or extra applications when you buy it and it is guaranteed to get updates for up to 2 years.

Android One is a variant of Android that is not modified by a third-party vendor, so this variant is a 'pure' Android variant.

Not all devices that use stock Android can be said to be Android One smartphones. Because there are several conditions that third parties must agree to so that their smartphone is known as Android One. Here are the conditions:

  1. All phones must have the Android One logo printed on the back.
  2. Third parties must agree to provide updates to the operating system as well as security updates.
  3. The number of installed third-party applications will be strictly maintained.

An example of a third-party vendor that has recently announced using Android 1 is Nokia. No half-hearted, the entire line of Nokia smartphones will use Android one. Not all third-party companies follow in Nokia's footsteps, there are others who only use certain types of smartphones. Examples are the HTC U11 and Moto X4.

Advantages of Android One

We all know that Google is the license holder of the Android operating system and it is open sourced, so that other people can modify it. Well, this version of Android that is not modified by a third party is used by Android One. Because it is not modified, Android One is simpler to use and easier to update. All smartphones that use Android One also have the same appearance, so you don't get confused if you use other brands of cellphones.

Regarding installed applications, many applications from Google are installed. There are also non-Google apps installed, but again third parties can't just include apps. So you will not find duplicate applications like you buy a smartphone without Android One.

All phones with Android One get 2 years of updates from Google and are given directly to third parties for distribution. Then, there are 3 years of security updates provided every month directly from Google. Android One phones also have prices that vary, ranging from budget levels to flagship phones.

Android One in Indonesia

After the author searched for Android One phones in Indonesia, the author only found 1 smartphone that was officially sold in Indonesia, namely the Xiaomi Mi A1. Here are the brief specifications of the Xiaomi Mi A1:

In addition to the Xiaomi Mi A1, the author found the Motorola X4, but it uses a Singapore warranty. If you want to buy it, you can buy a Motorola X4 at Tokopedia at a price of Rp. 6,649,000.

Then, which Android variant is right for me?

After reading the differences between Android Go and Android One, then maybe you are asking the question above. Even though it looks similar between Android One and Android Go, you will still get the full experience of using Android regardless of the variant you choose. Then, which one do you choose?

Choose Android Go if…

  • You are in a low wallet state, or
  • You only want to use it for basic needs, or
  • Performance is not your priority

Choose Android One if…

  • You are not happy if your smartphone is equipped with unknown applications, or
  • You want to get a pure Android experience without many changes by third parties, or
  • You like to make your own changes by installing the Launcher or Icon in the Play Store, or
  • Regular updates are your priority


Now it is clear the difference between Android Go and Android One and which variant you should choose by reading this article. Will by reading this article, you will buy an Android smartphone in the future? Or do you have another opinion about this article? Don't forget to type in the comment box.

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